STOF Climate Resilience Survey - Departments
Please complete one survey per division or section. The survey should only take 10 minutes to complete.
1. Department/Division
2. Your Name & Title
3. Which of these local climate impacts could effect your department's operations or provision of services? (check all that apply)
Sea Level RiseGround Water RiseStronger StormsLonger Dry Season/DroughtsFlooding/Heavier Rain EventsSalt Water Intrusion in Drinking WaterSalt Water Intrusion into Wetlands & Waterways/ Habitat ShiftsLoss of Traditional PlantsLoss of Endangered SpeciesExtreme Heat & ColdBeach/Land ErosionOcean AcidificationIncrease of Invasive SpeciesIncreased Spread of DiseasesRising Energy Costs/Unreliable ServiceFood Scarcity/Impacts on Agriculture
Other (please specify)
4. What climate impacts are you already seeing? How or Where?
We want to celebrate YOU!
5. How is your department already demonstrating leadership by taking action to MITIGATE the CAUSES of climate change? Please list actions to curb greenhouse gas emissions, save energy or transition to renewable energy, conserve water, or other steps to create a path toward a more sustainable future.
6. How is your department PREPARING for IMPACTS or ADAPTING to changes in the climate? Please list any actions you are taking to understand risks and protect community members and Tribal assets from increased climate threats.
Over the next year, the Climate Resiliency Program will be working Tribe-wide to develop a Climate Action Plan.
This survey is the first of many interactions we hope to have with your department!
Building the Climate Action Plan is a process of relationship building and visioning. The plan will serve to guide subsequent action and investment, and should be "owned" by staff and the community alike.
While Tribal members will be at the heart of goal setting and prioritization of actions, the information you provide will be critical in understanding what actions are already underway, and what may be feasible in the near future.
7. What additional climate mitigation and adaptation strategies might you consider utilizing in the near future?
8. Where might you incorporate these goals or strategies?
Strategic PlanComprehensive PlanClimate Action Plan
9. Would you like a presentation and facilitated discussion on climate impacts and possible response strategies?
Yes No Maybe
10. We are planning workshops around aspects of sustainability and climate resilience. In which of these might your department be able to provide support?
(We may group these or prioritize workgroups based on need or community interest. For now, please check all that could apply.)
Energy IndependenceLand StewardshipFood SovereigntyEconomic DiversityWater RightsCommunity EngagementRisk Assessment/Emergency ManagementConsumption: Waste Streams & PurchasingCommunity HealthLong-term Planning